September 6, 2009 I love Sunday! Not only do we get to go to church and learn more about our Heavenly Father, but I absolutely LOVE getting Grady's emails each week. This week was no different. He is learning and growing and I can see changes in him each week. It's so awesome having a son on a mission. Here is this week's letter:
Hey guys! Thanks for the emails. Sounds like everyone is great. Dad the job sounds sweet. I was sorry to hear about the Hinkles daughter. That is pretty tragic. I hope everything goes well. Rudy, Olivia and Lenzi, tell me all about school and sports and stuff. Well Ill answer the shitsumons first. I got the cards and they worked out great. Thanks a lot. They must have been expensive. My new companion is named elder Budge. He grew up in Tokyo then went to school at BYU for 2 semesters. His family now lives in Utah. He is one of six kids. He went to the same school as Elder Wiser. They are similar in a lot of ways but different. He sings and plays the guitar really well. He is pretty talented. We are getting along well and we both like tracting. He is almost one year out and he has been in rural Japan for all of his mission. Osaka is a big change, but he is from Tokyo so he likes it a lot. The fellowships are going well. Oscar is still afraid to read the Book of Mormon but he will come along. Friday really needs the gospel. He has forgotten everything. I mean everything. I am really determined to help him come back to church again. He has a Japanese wife and an 11 year old son. She is baptised but I don't think their son is. The tall man is brother Trask. He owns a bar and is from Louisiana. The language is going well. I really haven't noticed a huge improvement but others tell me I am improving. I need to be able to communicate better but the spirit is stronger the words. Oh and before I forget could you send the card back with a couple other items please. I need the nike watch that I sent home at the beginning. Sorry, my leather band watch stinks pretty bad. Thanks. O and send me a list of every ones birthday so I don't forget. Thank you. This week was pretty normal. We do a lot of tracting everyday. This week we have found a good amount of new investigators and things look good. We sat down and transfer goals and we need miracles to happen. But I have already seen miracles so I know they can happen as much as I let them. Mamor is doing well. I still call him a couple times a week. He is getting baptised on the 12th; less than a week! I cant wait to see his life change even more. Ill send a picture of him today. He is the one with the hat and long hair with Harris choro. I don't know if I told you guys before but there are 4 elders in my apartment. It is me budge, Larosse, and Niserio. Niserio and budge are new. Niserio is Filipino but grew up mostly in Australia. Larosse is from Virginia beach. Ill send the pictures that you wanted. The mission is great. In the last two weeks I have actually talked to a lot of English speaking people. It is hard for some people to grasp the concept that God has a way for us to return to him. That is through his perfect gospel. If people cant realize that simple fact it is hard to go on. God wants us to be as happy as possible and that is why his gospel, with his prophet at its head is on the earth. Since coming here I have learned to teach simpler and simpler. With tracting, we only get a couple of minutes to talk to someone. I have to be very simple and to the point. Me and Harris choro were pretty bold. I am not afraid to tell someone exactly how it is because it is simple and to the point. Budge choro isn't as bold but maybe it will bring a better balance. Differences bring about strengths. I have already surprised him a couple times this week by how bold i was I guess. The way I see is that I am called of God and it is my responsibility to promise people blessings. Like answers to their prayers, etc. I have changed since leaving home. I am more bold about certain topics because they are so important to me. Gods work is rolling along through his very young, inadequate 19 year old children. Miracles are happening everywhere. Ill get off my soap box but thanks again for the emails and I hope to hear from you all. Love you
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