Home for 4 months and doing great!

I just realized that I haven't posted anything about Grady's homecoming, so I thought I had better do that. He arrived home on Friday, May 27th, the same evening as Olivia's High School Graduation! She had to be at CSI to line up and get ready for graduation at 5:45 and his plane was due in at 5:15, so she decided to skip the airport. This was such a difficult decision for her to come to, but looking back, it was the right decision.

Gus, Rudy, Nana and I were almost late to airport because his plane was 15 minutes early!!! As we were driving my friend Sheila, who was on her way to the airport also, called me to say that she was almost to the airport and she had just seen a plane land. Our airport is very small, so we were pretty sure that was his plane! We were behind her, so we were frantic that we were going to miss him getting off the plane! Gus drove faster than I've ever seen him drive. We ran in the doors and found Sheila and her family and our other friends, the Davis', anxiously awaiting our arrival! The plane was on the ground, but the passengers had not left the plane yet. Wow! We barely arrived on time. Lenzi was not so lucky! Oakley needed fed at the last minute, so she arrived about 10 minutes after Grady.

To say that that first hug was amazing is an understatement. He looked so good and it was so wonderful to see him after two long years. He was very thin but looked great! He hugged everyone, got a few pictures and then we were off to the college for Olivia's graduation! I know Grady must have been feeling so overwhelmed, but he was a good sport. He had to wear his suit and name tag because he wasn't released yet. He was able to see lots of old friends at graduation, so that was fun! I could tell he was tired--I think he'd been up for more than 24 hours and he didn't sleep on the plane. We kept bombarding him with questions and he was very patient.

It's hard to explain just what it was like to have a son gone for two years and then return, safe, older and more mature. We are extremely grateful for his safety while in Japan. We are also so grateful for all he learned. He loved his mission and for that, we are also so very thankful. He was an excellent missionary! Well done, Elder Bowman!

The Last Email!

May 22, 2011~~ Wow! This is Grady's last email before he comes home Friday, May 27th. It's been an amazing two years and we are more than excited to see him!! At the same time, we have loved all the wonderful things he has learned and the ways he has grown! What a blessing this has been for all of us!
Hey everyone! Thanks for the last email of my mission! It is kinda weird that this is the last one that I will do too. Before I forget I have some things I need to ask for. I am going to be throwing away all of my garments so if you could have some ready for me. I like the dri lux and I guess I am just not a mesh guy like Mark Dad. Sorry, LOL. O and the first chance I get I really want to go to the temple and of course Moab. I haven`t thought to much about what I am going to do for those couple of weeks. Anything is good. Well about this last week. Yesterday a couple of good people came to church but Kurata, the guy supposed to get baptized tomorrow didn`t come. We have lost contact with him. It is a bummer but I know he will get baptized. This last week I also went on a split with Dave Nielson. It was way fun and we are both way excited to come home but of course mixed feelings. It was nice to talk to someone who understood exactly what I was feeling. I kinda just want to tell of all the miracles happening in Japan right now. As of today the mission has seen a total of 102 baptisms this year so far! In Pres McIntyre`s first year as a mission president 3 years ago the mission had 40 in a whole year. If you just look at the numbers as numbers it means absolutely nothing but these numbers are people. The whole missions attitude has changed. I feel that Japan is on the verge of something amazing! The members and missionaries are catching the fire and showing a lot of faith. God is blessing the land of Japan by many ways. Since the tsunami I have felt a big change in Japan. I feel it has affected the whole country and many people are prepared for the gospel. The missionaries and members are showing more faith by inviting others to come unto Christ. I want to talk to you guys more about this but I am so happy to have been here during this time. I love these people and the experiences I have had. I am really excited to see you all and talk a lot with you. I love you all and I will see you soon!
P.S. Mom, I haven`t had lasagna or that good italian bread with that vinegar dip stuff for a while. It might be good?

Busy, Busy!

May 1, 2011
Konnichiwa! Thanks for the emails this week! I really enjoyed them. Today I had to do a lot of Zone leader things on the computer so I really don`t have much time. Sorry. We`ll have to talk more on Your guys` Sunday. If you called me at 7P.M. your time on my cell phone that would be dandy. My number is 080-2149-6220. I am excited to talk to you guys again. It is kinda wierd because I will be in America a couple of weeks after the call but it will be nice. This week was awesome because Sugita got baptized! The baptism was great and he is an awesome convert. I am excited to see him excell in the gospel. He is 25 and is thinking about going on a mission. He really was prepared to accept the gospel. This week was short but I am doing great and I am actually going to Tony Roma`s for the first time today with the zone. Nielson will be there. I love you guys and I'll talk to you this next week!

An Urgency in the Work!

April 24, 2011
Hello! You guys sound great! Oakley is way cute and I am way excited to see her. Dad, your new business sounds pretty cool, and that Land cruiser should be good. Nice find. Well you guys are probably just dying to know what happened to me. Well I transferred. I am in my last area and it feels weird. My area`s name is Katsura in Kyoto. Probably the most famous place in Japan. Kyoto is famous for ancient temples and things and it is a big tourist place. Tons of people everywhere and way fun. I am a zone leader over 21 missionaries and it is a pretty big job. One of the District leaders is Elder Nielson which is way fun. It is pretty cool that we get to spend the last 6 months together on our missions. O and before I left Kobe Ryu Koto got baptized! He was baptized on Wednesday and he got the Holy Ghost yesterday. It was a miracle. Lisa went to church yesterday and she still looks good for baptism. She is awesome. My new companion`s name is Elder Bunderson. He is half Japanese and from Utah. We are having a lot of fun together and this coming Thursday a guy named Sugita is getting baptized. He is awesome! He is 25 and works at a bread shop. He makes bread and pastries. I have only met him once but he was a great guy. I am excited for his baptism. The ward I am in is about 50 people. The bishop is awesome and the ward seems really excited for missionary work and the upcoming baptism. These next weeks are going to fly and I am really working hard on focusing. I feel that I have been prepared to focus here by being in the mission home for so long. There were tons of distractions there and I learned how to cope with it. Now I need to cope with thoughts about home and other things but I am doing fine. The mission is great and I think I am still in shock of how many miracles I have seen recently. I know that lots of people are waiting to be baptized here in Kyoto. My time is ticking down which scares me but there is an extra urgency about the work. I love you all and until next time. O and Rudy, Happy Birthday! Your birthday present will be a month late when I get home. Lol

April 17, 2011~~
Hello! How is everyone? You are right mom, time is flying. I can't believe I am on my last transfer. Oakley sounds great! I can't wait to meet her. You guys are awesome! Mom thanks for filling me in on my BYU classes and stuff. It is a relief that I don't have to do it while I am here. I thought of one thing though. I want to work this summer and it might be a good idea to look for a job for me. I would of course like a job where I could use my Japanese but The Import Auto was a way fun job that payed well. I know it might be hard but if you could maybe look around for me. Oh, and Elder Nielson isn't finishing his mission in New Zealand. He is finishing it here and then going to New Zealand to visit his parents. Rumors in the church are funny. Me and Elder Nielson had a good laugh over it. We have become way good friends these last couple of months. This week was awesome! 3 people got baptized here in Kobe! I'll send you the pictures. One was O. He was way exctited and he loved it. After he got baptized he bore his testimony and he said that he was excited to become more faithful together with everyone. He is probably one of the funniest people I have ever met. He is always smiling and way happy. Another miracle was that on Saturday me and Einfeldt found 4 new investigators. Two of them came to church. One's name is Lisa. She is 3/4 Japanese and 1/4 British. She graduated from the University of Massachusetts. She is way cool and she came to church. She saw 4 people get baptized which was sweet! A little 8 year old boy was also baptized in the English branch. She is way prepared to hear the word of God. She is getting baptized on May 8th. I am way excited. I hope I don't transfer. I witnessed another miracle yesterday. Ryu Koto, the other Chines investigator, is getting baptized this Wednesday! He was supposed to get baptized yesterday but he had a problem with tithing. Yesterday he came to the baptism and he felt the spirit and a member testified to him about tithing. He accepted to live the gospel and his interview is tonight and his baptism is on Wednesday before I transfer. Yes I am probably transfering. I feel way blessed to be in the mission office. I find things out early sometimes. I know that Christ lives and miracles are wrought through him. I love you guys and until next week.

"Wow! That was Fast!"

Somanta Chan's Baptism!
April 10. 2011~Hello!
You guys are great! Oakley is way cute and I loved your emails this week. Dad, that was a wonderful story about the road trip. I enjoyed it. Somanta Chan got baptized yesterday and it was awesome! Somanta is his first name and Chan is his last. He has so much faith. After he was baptized he said, "Wow, that was fast, I thought I would be under for 30 seconds." Somehow a misunderstanding had occurred and he thought we said 30 instead of 3 seconds. After he was baptized he gave a sweet testimony. He said that he was thankful that God loved him enough to give him the opportunity to repent. What he said was very powerful and it made me think a lot. I am blessed to have the opportunity to repent. There are thousands of people who want to be clean but don't know where to find it. I am so thankful for Somanta's example. If you sent me the letter I could get it to him. Next week there are 4 people getting baptized into the Kobe Japanese ward. One is our investigator and his name is O. He is chinese and really ready for the gospel. I am so thankful for all the blessings that I am experiencing. General conference was awesome. In the priesthood session when Pres. Monson talked about marriage and the temple I thought it was awesome. Just in Kobe ward there are about 10 active young single adults who need to get married. In Japan everyone seems to wait to get married instead of following the counsel of the prophet and it doesn't work out a lot of times. I know that I am experiencing a lot of things for a reason and they will help me later in life. I love you all and I know that the Church is true. I feel like my emails are getting shorter but I am still just as happy and loving the work. My light isn't dwindling and I love Christ. Until next week!

"I Can drink Water Instead!"

Oakley Bea Van Wagoner, born March 31, 2011--She can't wait to see her Uncle Grady!!

April 3, 2011 Hello! How is everyone! The baby looks great! Thanks for sending all the pictures. Oakley looks way cute. I can't wait to see her. Before I forget, I got the debit card and the packages. Thanks a lot! The candy was great. For the last month or two my District has been doing a biggest loser challenge. I lost like 5 pounds but then gained it back. We go running or play sports every morning and I can see the difference in everyone's attitude. We are all pretty good friends and like being around each other. Two days ago I went on an exchange with Elder Guy from Cambridge, England. It was way fun and he is a great missionary. His accent gave our companionship like 10 extra cool points! This week has gone by fast! Somanta is getting baptized this coming sunday on April 10th! He is awesome! In the last two days he accepted to obey the Word of Wisdom and tithing. He has a ton of Faith! Yesterday he came to church and we taught the Word of Wisdom. When he heard about coffee and green tea he was a little surprised but this is what he said,"I can drink water instead." He has so much faith and I am way excited for his baptism. This was the highlight of my week. Me and Elder Einfeldt get along really well and I am excited to experience seeing a baptism with such a good companion. Somanta is great and I know that every nationality across the world is prepared for the gospel. You guys are awesome and I love you. O and before I forget. Where is Olivia staying at BYU-I. My friend in the mission, Sister Shields and her little brother are both going to BYU-I and we were talking and we thought it might be a good idea for us to room with each other's siblings. Kinda funny but she gave her dad your email address so he should be contacting you. If he doesn't maybe you should contact them. I think that is all I had. I love you guys and until next week.

Living Life Like Normal

Grady with his new companion, Elder Einfeldt, from the Tokyo Mission.
March 27, 2011~Hello! I don't know where to start. You guys are awesome! You are being so patient and putting up with me not writing too much about everything. What you wrote today was probably the most I have heard about the quake. I have had a lot of people ask me on the street if I am going back to America soon. In Tokyo a lot of foreigners are being sent home and even here in Kobe some of my Chinese friends are going back to China. Some people are pretty freaked out but the majority are just living life like normal. I personally haven't been affected by the quake. None of my investigators have been affected either. I am way thankful for how calm these people are too. The Kobe ward sent a ton of supplies to Sendai. It was way cool to be a part of it. I really don't have new updates other than tons of miracles. I am fine and the quake hasn't affected Kobe and I am very safe. I love you guys and I feel your prayers. Lenzi! good luck with the baby. I got a baby kimono and it is pretty sweet. This week Somanta, a Cambodian investigator came to church for the second time and he is awesome! He is getting baptized on April 10th. He doesn't speak Japanese so we are teaching him in English. If you want you could send him a card or something. He would probaly appreciate it. He is so prepared for the gospel. He understands the BOM way well and wants to follow Christ. His dad died when he was young so his mom raised him. He really is pure and is getting baptized! I love teaching people who are really prepared and willing to make changes. I am way excited for his baptism. Einfeldt is probably my hardest working companion. He is awesome! I really enjoy working with him. I love you guys and everything you do for me. Mom, thanks again for all the college stuff. I am way excited to live with Jordan. Jesus Christ lives and He is preparing the hearts of everyone. peace

The Craziest Week of My Mission--But Still Safe

March 20, 2011
Konnichiwa! I am emailing a little early this morning. Thanks for the emails this week. I always appreciate them. This week has been the craziest in my mission. I don't even know where to start. First off, everything is ok and I am completely safe here in Kobe. As you all know last week there was a very big earthquake up in northern Japan. You have probably been seeing lots of crazy things on the news and it doesn't look good. There is definitely some truth to what they are saying and it is a pretty rough situation. Everything you see that is going on up there I am not experiencing. Last Wednesday me and the elders at the mission home got a call from President McIntyre telling us that 50 missionaries will be coming from either the Tokyo or Sendai missions. He told us to start preparing by calling up all the mission and asking how many people each apartment could handle. That same day me and Elder Nunes, yes his mom is an author, went out to proselyte and had some lessons. We came back early to help out with preparations and that is when the craziness happened. Nunes was originally supposed to go home in April but now because so many missionaries were being evacuated and coming to our mission there was no room for them. Nunes, along with 10 other missionaries went home three weeks early with one days notice. I couldn't believe what was happening. The next day, Thursday, 42 Tokyo missionaries came to Kobe with all their belongings by bus. All 42 of them slept at the church and they seemed pretty tired but ready to work. They had a good spirit about them. They next, Friday, my old companion, Elder Nunes went home and I got a new companion named Elder Einfeldt. No not Sienfield, Einfeldt. He is from Cedar City, Utah. He is on his 6th transfer and ROCKS! He has 9 siblings and he is awesome. He loves to proselyte and open his mouth to preach the gospel. He came from a place called Ibaraki. It was the closes area to one of the nuclear power plants that exploded. He was only 11 miles away. He had to evacuate way quickly so he left a lot behind. No one knows how long the Tokyo missionaries will be here but I am so happy to have them. It is sad to think that in Sendai and Tokyo right now there are no missionaries but the 12 apostles receive revelation and I trust them. This experience has strengthened my testimony that God know best and I need to follow the Prophets counsel. I am sorry I haven't been the best at emailing you guys lately. I love you all and God Bless!

Grady is safe after 9.0 Earthquake hits Japan

On March 11 Japan experienced a huge 9.0 earthquake followed by a devastating tsunami. The earthquake was near Sendai and thousands of people lost their homes. A nuclear power plant near the earthquake was damaged by the tsunami and the workers are struggling to stablize the plant so that radiation does not leak. We heard about the earthquake soon after it happened and I realized that it was about 400 miles away from Kobe, so I knew Grady was safe--but it has been a difficult couple of days, wondering what is going on and waiting to hear from him.
March 13, 2011
Konnchiwa! Hello everyone! I am glad to know that you know that I am safe. The earthquake was devastating and it is really weird to be in the country that it took place in. Whenever an earthquake or natural disaster happened I always felt for the people but this time is different. I speak these people's language and I know them very well. I love them and it is almost as if I am Japanese citizen. Pres. McIntyre showed us some footage on CNN and I was way surprised. You probably know more than me because I can't watch TV but I get to ask people all day long about it. I am getting an up close feel of what is happening. The earthquake hasn't affected me very much or what I do everyday. I still go out averyday all day and find people that want to come to church. Natural disasters really humble people. This is probably the biggest difference I have noticed. The people in Japan are thinking more about the purpose of life and God. It has been really interesting asking people about the earthquake and hearing their responses. They all admit that death isn't our choice and that something bigger than them might be out there. It reminds about the king in Alma 22. He believed that a higher power existed but he didn't know its name or what form it was in. These people are really similiar and I have really felt the spirit testifying to them that Jesus Christ suffered for them and through his plan all those people that died will be ressurected. There are a couple Japanese missionaries in the mission that have family living right where the tsunami took place. All but one has contacted their families. I pray everyday for them. The Gospel is true and I love it. As for the investigators in Kobe, they are doing well. 4 people are preparing for baptism. 3 are Chinese and 1 is Japanese. I love them and I am excited to help them all that I can. Last night I met a Chinese guy named Sunchen at the church. We taught about baptism and that we become clean through it. He wanted to be clean because he has a lot of regret in his life and he accepted to be baptized. I felt the spirit so strong during the lesson while testifying about baptism. I can't wait for his baptism. I love you guys and have a great week!

Still in Kobe!! Yay!

Kobe District

March 6, 2011
Hello! Thanks for all the pictures and wonderful emails this week! I will try to make my emails more interesting. Maybe I'll spice them up with funny lines or something!? I can't believe Michelle Coleman is married. That is nuts. Lenzi is huge! I feel dumb asking this but is it a girl or a boy? I forgot. Mom, thanks for all the hard work you are doing to help me out with college stuff. I really appreciate it. I don't know the moms email addresses but can I do that stuff when I get home? Ya, Mike Slater came with me to Japan and David Drake was in this mission and he went home about 6 months ago. They are all way cool. This week was wild! I didn't...............................................................................................................get transfered! Elder Low got transfered and he is in Osaka now. My new companion is Elder Nunes from Orem. He is on his last transfer and we are having a riot! He is way cool and is almost fluent in Japanese. I learn a lot everyday. It was sad to see Low go but things happen for a reason. One crazy sad thing that happened this week was a missionary ran away. He was supposed to be Low's new companion but he ran away the day of the transfer call. No one knew where he was and it was really scary. He is a 26 year old Japanese elder that I was pretty good friends with. He finally showed up yesterday at his home in the Fukuoka mission after about 4 days of being missing. Some people struggle with things and it really made me think about my life. I love the gospel and I feel for him, and have remorse but this work is way important and he made a wrong decision. I love him and I know that everything unfair becomes fair through the atonement of Christ. I love you guys and repentance is real. The gospel is an unchanging thing and I love it. This was short but I gotta go. Bye Bye

These People are Fantastic!

The Kobe District

February 27, 2011
Hello! Thanks for all the email this week! A lot of things are happening with the family! I can't believe that Lenzi is almost due and that Olivia and Rudy are so old! It is pretty wild to think about. Well I'll keep this week short and sweet. Yesterday a Chinese man named Lee got baptized. We had one investigator come and he really liked it. Ryu also came to church and Lee want to help him out a lot. When Ryu went up to shake Lee's hand Lee told Ryu to please get baptized. Lee has a goal of helping all the Chinese people Living in Japan get baptized and find God. I know he was meant to get baptized for many reasons. Transfer calls are tommorow and I really don't know what is going to happen. The mission is great and 3 months is way short. I know I can find the elect and I am here for a reason. These people are fantastic and I love them so much. I love you guys and wish the best for you.

With Love,

The Gospel is True and I Love It!

Elder Low, Grady and the Mission Elders

February 20, 2011
Hello everyone! Thanks for the emails and love. I appreciate your concern for me and how you want to help. Thank you. I am doing great! My clothes are holding up, lots of medicine and toothpaste, I don't know what anyone else could ask for. I'll be brief today. This week was great. There were a ton of new people found but some investigators dropped and didn't come to church. Asami and Noaki didn't come to church and it was way sad. They really need the gospel like everyone else. When these people don't come to church or meet you really realize how much you love them. Everyone is way special to me. I don't have a ton to say this week but this last Thursday me and Nielson went on an exchange for a day. It was way fun and it just felt right. We have become good friends and I am thankful for the opportunity to live with him. We saw a lot of miracles together and I was glad to work with him. Ryu didn't come to church yesterday but I met him last night. He was doing well but the language barrier is bigger than I thought. Nothing that me or Jesus Christ hasn't dealt with before. The gospel is true and I love it. It is so universal and for everyone. This was short but with love. Have a great week and until next time!

Pure Joy!

February 13, 2011
Konnichiwa! How is everyone? Thanks for the email. It was great. O, and I got the Valentines package, thank you. Wow! I can`t believe Lenzi is due in 7 weeks. That is crazy! Lenzi will like this story. Last night me and Low were heading home and we hadn`t found any new people. We wanted to find someone really bad and we met Naoki and Asami. Naoki is 18 and Asami is 17. They are boyfriend and girlfriend and are high school dropouts. They want to get married so we taught them about the temple and baptism. When we were teaching I busted out Lenzi and Jon`s wedding picture. They loved it and really want to know more. Lenzi, thanks for getting married in the temple. I can`t believe Rudy and Olivia are dating and stuff. Thanks for doing all the college stuff for me. I hope it all works out. Time is still flying here! I only have two more weeks in this transfer. Yesterday at church a ton of miracles happened. First off I`ll explain a little about how church here in Kobe goes. There are 6 elders, 2 sisters, and a senior couple that attend everyweek. It is awesome! Yesterday there were 8 investigators that came. When an investigator comes we usually set him or her up with a friend and then us and the member sit with the investigator. Yesterday as I was looking around all the missionaries were sitting with an investigator with a friend. It was pure joy. The work is really moving forward. Out of the investigators in the Kobe District 10 of them are preparing for baptism! I am way excited and I love being District Leader because I collect all the information about these people and pray for them. They all are really special to me. I have the biggest District in the mission so it is pretty hard at some times but I really love it. Yesterday a new guy came to church. His name is Ryu. He is 20 and from China. His parents are divorced and he lives with his mom here in Kobe. He is studying Japananese right now to enter college. He was really prepared in many ways. It turns out that one of his good friends is a member! His friend is Chinese and got baptized in Australia. Ryu wasn`t going to come to church yesterday but his member friend told him to give it a shot so he came. Ryu also wants to be more happy. He loved church because everyone was so happy and nice to him. He accepted to be baptized on March 13th. Pray for him. His journey is just starting. I love being a missionary and testifying about the atonement of Jesus Christ. O and two days ago on Saturday Elder Cook came from the 12 apostles! He was awesome and he talked about what I needed; love. He said to love 4 things: The Japanese people, my companion, mission president, and the Lord. I know he is an apostle of Christ. I love you guys and think that you are awesome. The mission is great and I love these people. I hope you guys have a great week and until next time. God Bless

God Has a Plan for Everyone

February 6, 2011
I was sad to hear about Ryan and Toliver. That is awful. I'll take care of some business first. Ya, the Japan trip is looking a little tough after being home for about 10 days. I don't think we should do it. It would be better for me to have more time to plan it out more thoroughly. To tell you the truth I have had some trouble focusing lately. When my thoughts wander they are about things after the mission a lot. Not a good sign. It isn't a big problem but it could turn into one. I don't want that to happen. I think that it is a miracle that last week Elder Nielson brought up going to BYU. I need to study Japanese to pass the test and this could help me out a lot in the long run. I'm sorry that I won't be home for too much but looking at how much it could help me, I don't want to miss out on the opportunity. I could even work for Import Auto again maybe. I can't really explain why but for some reason, it just feels right. I'll set up an interview with President McIntyre soon and get it done. This week was awesome! Tei came to church and loved it. He is praying everyday and he commited to follow the Word of Wisdom. He is really prepared to hear the gospel. He can only meet on Sundays because his job is Monday through Saturday from 8 to 8. Pretty rough huh. He is awesome. I don't have a ton of time today but recently I have been reflecting on my mission. I love it! I love these people and desire their salvation. The other day I met a lady on the street and I saw light in her eyes. She had never been married and she is handing out tissues for a living. It was sad and I know that God has a plan for everyone. I love you all and I really love the mission. Christ lives and he atoned for us. Until next week. I love you!

Another Awesome Week!

January 30, 2011~~I feel so bad!!! Grady emailed early and we missed sending him our email. This has never happened!! We had a farewell to attend and our church is late and he emailed earlier than usual. Gus did email and sent his at the exact time we received Grady's--3:49 PM, but Grady said he didn't receive an email!! I almost cried! I hurried and emailed and luckily he checked back and got ours!

Hey everyone! I haven't gotten the email yet but I will write my email anyway. This week was awesome and there were a lot of miracles. Before I forget I have a question. What airport do you want to pick me up at? I know it is a weird question but I was asked it by the office couple and I didn't know. They have to reserve the plane tickets. This is something I don't want to think about but there is a time for everything. This week was awesome as I said up top. I don't have a ton of time today to write the email but I'll tell you about Tei san. He is from China and is 30 years old. He received his doctorate from Kobe university about 8 years ago and has been working in Japan ever since then. He is way nice and he was prepared to hear the gospel. He felt the spirit and accepted to get baptized on February 27th. He said that Church was a totally different experience. He loved it and wants to come back. I love church and the plan of salvation. He asked why we talk about families so much and it was a perfect time to teach about the Plan of Salvation. The Plan of Salvation is a real thing and I love gaining a stronger testimony of it everyday. The church is true and we are an eternal family. I love you guys and the mission is great. This was short but I hope you like it. With love. Grady

Hey everyone! I'll go ahead and tell the office couple about flying into Twin Falls. You don't need to call them. I have one more question. It is about after mission stuff. Me and Elder Nielson were talking about going to BYU for the Summer. I don't think I would transfer there but maybe I could do the visiting student thing or maybe just work. I don't know for sure but if you could check it out it might be an option for me. Thank you. I love you guys!

Happy 21st Grady!!!

Grady and President and Sister McIntyre on his 21st Birthday!!!
January 23, 2011
Hey everyone! Thanks for all the emails! They were great. Mom, I'll answer the questions first. The package was great! Thank you! Ya, I am planning on going to Byu-I. When are the class deadlines and stuff? I kinda want to check out the majors and classes while I'm here in Japan if the deadline is before I come home. If the deadlines aren't, no biggie. Ya I would like to room with Rahn and Jordan. That would be fun. There are a couple more missionaries that are going to BYU-I that I might want to room with. I'll give you there names. Elder Wiser and Elder McBurney. You can contact their moms or something. My release date is May 27th. I am really fine with supplies. I will probably be throwing away or giving a lot of stuff away. Well, I hope that answered all of it. This week was great! Last Monday I went out as a district to this all you can eat Brazilian restaurant. It was delicious. But what made it even better was that Elder Low's grandma, Keiko, was with us. Pres. McIntyre gives permission to elders to see there grandparents or relatives if they aren't members. He believes way strongly in that type of proselyting. She was way cool and we became good friends. I am going to start to write her and maybe something will come of it. It was also transfer week. Me and Low are staying in Kobe together! I was excited. He is a way good companion and I really want to see a baptism with him. I know that I am here for a reason and I want to do all I can to strengthen Kobe. I love my mission and I am so excited to have the opportunity to serve for 4 more months. I know that miracles happen everyday so there are a ton more for me to be apart of. I love you guys and what a great family you are. I have probably said this a ton but you really are great. Toki san is doing well and should be baptized in 2 weeks or so. I'll keep you updated. Have a great week and know that I love you.

Miracles Happen Every Day

January 16, 2011~~Hey everyone! I can`t believe church is at 2:00 again for you guys. That is pretty late. All the churches here usually start at 10. This week has been pretty good. This transfer flew by and I cant believe that it is over. Transfer calls are tommorow and I really don`t know what is going to happen. Transfers always surprise me. I had a pretty sweet thing happen at church yesterday. An investigator named Takashi, that Nielson found in Kobe about three weeks ago, came to church. It turns out that me and Harris found him a year and a half ago in Abeno. He remembered my name and now I can communicate better so we became good friends. He is coming to FHE tonight and I am way excited. Miracles happen everyday out here. I really don`t have a ton to write this week but the mission is great and I am really trying to find the people that are prepared. O, the chinese guy doesnt want to be baptized which was a bummer but there are tons of people out there. Yesterday the Office elders had an investigator named Toki come to church. He is so prepared for baptism. I got to sit in on the lesson and one of the elders asked him what he thought about baptism. Toki sat there and thought about it for a while and then said this, "To tell you the truth, I am thinking about after baptism, because baptism is just the start." Pretty pure huh? He is getting baptized on January 29th. God prepares people to hear the gospel everyday and I love teaching them. The church is true and I love you guys. I know this was short but it is what it is. Have a great week and till next time.

Feeling So Blessed!

January 9, 2011~~Hey everyone! Thanks for the emails and everything. O and thank nana for the cake, it was delicious. Happy birthday Lenzi! 25 eh? Wow, that is nuts. Elder Low`s mom`s address is saorilow@msn.com. This week was pretty good for me. Me and Elder Low taught more lessons than usual and it felt good. O, the chinese investigator, is afraid of water and doesnt feel he is ready for baptism right now. He loves church and I see good things happening. Kobe is a great area and I am loving it. My companion is way cool and we get along well. Recently I have just felt so blessed to be alive and have the knowledge of the Gospel. The other day I was kinda in a little sketchy part of Kobe walking home and there was a crowd of drunk people smoking cigarettes. This wasn`t a shock or anything because it is an everyday occurence in Japan, but I just felt sick. Those people may appear as though they are having fun but those things they are doing don`t last. When I see things like this it makes me even more determined to talk to everyone about the gospel. I love these people and you all. It will take a miracle to see a baptism this month but I am really determined to give it all I got. The church is true and these people in Japan need it. You guys are awesome and I love you. Until next week! Peace

Akemashite Omeditougozaimasu!

Celebrating Christmas with the Kobe District
Christmas Dinner in the Mission Home

Singing in the Mission Home on Christmas

January 2, 2011~Happy New Year! Akemashite omeditougozaimasu! It is a lot longer in Japanese. Thanks for all the mail and pictures. This Christmas was great and I appreciate all that you did for me. Wow Lenzi is huge, and Tamarack looked way fun! My last area Yonago, got a couple feet of snow last week! This year is a way cold winter for Japan and it is snowing a lot. On Christmas it even snowed here which is really rare. For Christmas I ate at the McIntyres and had a traditional Christmas dinner. It was great! The McIntyres were so nice to have us over. This week was pretty good. Way busy and it is going by way fast. The investigators aren't progressing as well as I would like and me and Low haven't had a ton of lessons as of late but I am optimistic. I know that if I desire people's salvation miracles can happen. About the coming to pick me up thing; it might be better for you to wait and all of us come back in June. I know it will be more expensive but I wouldn't be able to do a lot of fun things as a missionary and stuff. I think it would be better for you guys to wait. On that note, do you know if BYU-I has Japanese classes? I am looking forward to these last months and ready to see some of my brothers and sisters have the opportunity to endure to the end in this life. I love the gospel and everything about it. The church is true and families are forever. I love you all and until next week keep it real.

I Love the Plan of Salvation

December 19, 2010~Merry Christmas! How are you guys doin? It sounds like everyone is holding up well and are taking Grandpa`s passing away pretty well. I really want to read grandpas journals when I get back. I feel like I didn`t know enough about him. But I loved him. This first two weeks in Kobe have been pretty wild for me. But before I forget my number is 81-80-2149-6214. You guys can go ahead and call me anytime from 9:30 AM to 2:30 Pm if that is better? The best time for me is right at 9:30 but if dad has work late I understand and go ahead and call anytime before 2:30. Whatever is best for you guys. My companion`s family is calling him at 8 AM. I thought it would be easier for you guys with dad`s work and stuff. I am excited to hear from you guys again. When I emailed you guys this week about grandpa I didn`t tell you about something that happened the day before. It has to do with the Plan of Salvation and Resurrection. I was at the Church waiting for an investigator for FHE. The investigator didn`t show up but there was a recent convert named Shota who was pretty sad. We went to a room together and he started crying, almost out of control, something was definitely wrong. We tried to calm him down and he finally asked us a question. "Do you believe Alma 40?" I said yes. After that he took us to his apartment. As you guys know Alma 40 is about after death so I was definitely expecting the worst. As we were exiting the church another member asked Shota what was wrong and he said, "Pi chan Died" in very hurried Japanese. That is when I kinda got a little scared. When we entered his apartment I was expecting the worst. Maybe Shota`s friend`s body or something was in the apartment. I quickly glanced around and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I was a little confused. I thought to myself, "Why had he brought us all the way over here?" And then I saw it. There was a dead yellow bird laying on some newspaper in the middle of the room. This was Pi chan. This recent convert has a heart of gold and he was crushed over the loss of his bird. It was a big relief actually when I saw Pi chan. It could have been a lot worse. We read Alma 40 together and Shota calmed down and it was a good learning experience for all. The next day I get the news that Grandpa had died and of course I was shocked at the timing of things but not necessarily about Grandpa's death. I knew that Grandpa had lived a good life on earth and he will be judged accordingly. The day grandpa died I also met about 5 people that had interest in the after life and I could look them in the eyes and say that they can live forever with their families. Things happen for a reason and I trust God like all of you. I heard also recently a story about a doctor in Kobe here. A member told me about it while I was in Yonago. At this hospital in Kobe the patients knew how much time they had to live. At the longest a couple of days in advance, and the shortest being a couple of hours. The patients would ask this doctor "where do I go after I die?" The doctor would always say, "I don`t know, no one knows." We know where we go after we die and this is special. I take this knowledge for granted. I love the Plan of Salvation. You guys are great and I love you. I know that we are an eternal family. Have a great week and I`ll talk to you soon!

Gus' Dad Passes Away

December 13, 2010 Hey everyone. I just talked to Pres. McIntyre and he told me the news. He let me send an email to you guys today, so here I am. I hope everyone is taking it all right. When I heard the news I wasn't surprised because of the condition he was in but I did think of some, "I wish I would've" sentences. I really loved grandpa and looked up to him. I probably didn't express this enough but life isn't perfect. Please tell grandma that I love her and that she is strong. The first thing that I thought about was how blessed grandpa was to know about the Plan of Salvation. We are very blessed and I really want to share this to people. This is definitely what grandpa would of wanted. I love you all and the Plan of Salvation is real.

Transfer to Kobe

Grady and Sister Shields in their BYU-I t-shirts!

December 12, 2010~Hey everyone! Sorry I am emailing so early but I transferred so it is at a different time. I transferred to Kobe and am living in the mission office apartment. Pres. McIyntre wants more missionaries in Kobe because the assistants and the office elders in Kobe are way busy and don't have much time to proselyte. I was really surprised to leave Yonago and it was sad but I am excited to be here in Kobe. My apartment has me and my companion and the assistants, and the office elders. I am training a new missionary and his name is Elder Low. He is half Japanese and is way cool. Today I really don't have much time sorry. There were no investigators when I came but the Lord blessed us and there is a Chinese man named O preparing for baptism.

I love you guys and I will probably be doing email around this time from now on. Jesus lives and he atoned for us.

Missionary Work is Awesome!

December 5, 2010~Hello everyone! Wow dad, I am glad that you are all right. That is pretty cool that you were a good sport about it. God really does look after us. I am gonna keep today pretty short today but this week was great. O and Kimura bought a suit and I did too. I didn`t notice how big mine were until I went to the store. I don`t wear my old suits anymore. They are huge and I will probably send them home. They are in good condition and were way expensive so I`m sure that someone will use them. My suit was $70! It was on sale from $500. Pretty good deal huh. I have really lost a lot of weight I guess. Well there is that. Yesterday was Ruka`s baptism. It was awesome and Kento her brother baptized her. She slipped and kinda fell into the water while she was getting baptized. We all had a laugh about it afterward. When she came out of the water she and Kento both laughed a little and it was a good moment. I know that families are important. The Arito family is doing great but transfers are this week and I don`t know what is gonna happen. One more story I have for you is about a family I am teaching right now. What I have to say about this family is pretty confidential and I can`t tell you their name. You`ll find out in a second. First off there is no dad like the Arito family. They are divorced. The ex husband was very abusive and they got divorced a while back. Ever since then they have been in hiding from him. He found them once and it wasn`t a good experience. There is the Mom, daughter, and son and the kids are really afraid of the dad. Because of this they can`t be around a lot of people in case someone knows them or the ex-husband. They have come to church before but there was someone that they knew and they decided that it is too dangerous to come to church because the ex~husband might find them. They still are taking the lessons but it is with a select few in the ward that know the situation. That was a long explanation but there you have it. I love this family so much and they are really prepared for the gospel. They are praying as a family everyday and are really progressing. I know that the Lord will help them receive baptism as soon as possible. Once again I love this family a lot and I really want to help them out. I love you all and the gospel is true. Missionary work is awesome and till next week!
November 28, 2010
Hey everyone! Thanks for the emails this week. It sounds pretty cold in Idaho right now. It still hasn`t snowed here yet. Japan is a little different in that January is usually the coldest month. Well this week was another good one. Lots of miracles happened and Sister Aritou`s 15 year old daughter Ruka is getting baptized this coming Sunday. I am way excited. Her brother Kento, who got baptized last week is performing the baptism. Pretty cool huh! Sister Aritou is way excited. It is way cool to see them progress in the gospel. The other night we had FHE with them and the 8 year old Iru prayed. She wrote down what she was going to say and practiced before hand! I know we aren't supposed to have recited prayers but she is an 8 year old convert. The spirit was so strong and she is really progressing in the gospel. Yesterday 3 investigators came to church. Ruka, Shingo, and Watanabe. Shingo and Watanabe work for the navy. They really enjoyed church and they are coming next week too. Are there ever investigators that come to our ward? I know I have talked about church members a lot lately but I think there is a reason for it. Lately I have been a little disappointed with some members and how they acted. The other day we were teaching a 9 and 11 year old brother and sister. There mom is divorced and cant meet or come to church because of work. The two kids love church and want to be baptized. We received the mom`s permission to teach and baptize them so everything is great. The other night we had a returned missionary couple sit is the lesson with us. Before the lesson they told us that we shouldn't teach them and that they were too young, and wild to be baptized. I am not trying to talk badly about these members because this happens a lot. We went ahead and taught the lesson and something amazing happened. It isn't a lie that these two kids are really wild and loud. They didn't have a dad to teach them a lot of things. When the lesson started the spirit wasn't there and I was thinking about doing it another day but I starting praying asking God to bless the kids that they would be quiet and listen and feel the spirit. When I started praying the two kids pulled out notebooks and started taking notes and asking really good questions. It was almost like they had prepared these questions on their own. While all this was happening the older couple`s hearts were changing. By the end of the lesson the members and missionaries were on the same page and all is well. O and these two little kids walk to church by themselves every week about 30 minutes. If this isn't faith I don't know what is. I know that God answers prayers and changes hearts through the spirit. I tell you this because I realized what members need to realized about missionary work. And what I need to teach members. I decided that everything I and any member needs to know is found in the Preach My Gospel, scriptures, and the prophets words. The two most important things for me as a missionary and you guys as a member to know is the purpose of missionary work and the requirements for baptism. I don't have much time today but if you get a chance check out chapter 12 in PMG. It has the requirements for baptism. This will help you with Marrissa. Good luck and I love you guys. The work is going forward and Jesus is the Christ. I love the members in Japan and what great saints they are. Till next week!

The Joy of Eternal Families

This is Sister Aritou's son, Kento and her daughter, Iru after their baptism! So wonderful to baptize a family!

November 21, 2010

Hello everyone!

Wow! That is a lot of snow in Twin Falls! It hasn`t snowed here yet. How is Bryse? Can he still talk fine? And does Randy have cancer? I thought I would ask you guys those questions first before I forgot. Dad, I liked your story about your mission. Japanese people really don`t hug. They are kinda awkward with stuff like that but that doesn`t stop me. I also like giving my brothers a little love. I need to do it more though. Thanks. I`ve also been thinking of blessings lately and we are really blessed. I never really got nervous when we didn`t have an income. Thinking back it would be natural to worry. I think one blessing that I have realized is being relieved without even knowing it. Being positive is a blessing I think. Olivia, thanks for the email. It is pretty special what you`re experiencing right now. I am proud of you for being a good example. I wrote her last week so it should get there pretty soon. Well guys, this week was pretty special. Yesterday was Sister Aritou`s son Kento and one of her daughters Iru`s baptism. I wish you guys could of seen Sister Aritou. She was so happy and of course her kids were too. I really can`t express the joy I am feeling right now. A family baptism and a single baptism are both way special but seeing a family get baptized is pretty cool. Sister Aritou`s 15 year old daughter, Ruka, is getting baptized on December 5! She didn`t have interest at first but when she heard her mom, brother, and sister talking about going to the temple together she felt something. She wants to go to the temple too so she is showing her faith by getting baptized. We are starting teaching her tonight. Yesterday my testimony of the priesthood was strengthened. When Kento received the Holy Ghost he was blessed to share the gospel as a missionary. I know that this was a true blessing and it will happen. Little Iru`s blessing was really special too. She was also blessed to go on a mission and then the priesthood holder giving the blessing blessed her to get married in the temple and have an eternal family. I know that this priesthood holder was worthy for the spirit and his words were Gods`. I am so thankful for the priesthood and how real it is. I wish I would have focused more when I was receiving a blessing. I am sorry I have written so much but I am really feeling the joy of the gospel. An eternal family is the only way to go and I know that getting married in the temple is important. These recent experiences on my mission have really strengthened my testimony of the Gospel, particularly families. I know that we are an eternal family. I also know that there are tons of families waiting to hear the gospel because about 2 months ago God used me, a young 20 year old boy, to share the gospel with some of his precious children, our brothers and sisters. The Gospel is true and I love you all. Have a great week and look out for our brothers and sisters ready to hear the gospel. I know they are there. God bless

Building Relationships Through the Spirit

November 14, 2010~~Hey everyone! Thanks again! Wow mom the packages were great! Thank you. The kids will love the candy. The shirts were way nice too. I liked the story about the twins. Maybe I'll share it with the members. I'll have to look up a lot of vocabulary though. Incubators etc, lol. Rudy and Dad, good job on the Subaru. Sounds pretty sweet. Olivia, it sounds like you have a good friend in Marrisa. I got your letter slash thing. It was pretty creative. Thankyou. Olivia if you really want to help Marrisa out you should look in Preach My Gospel in Chapter 12. It has the baptismal requirements. You could help her prepare which will strengthen your and Marrissa's`s testimony. If you have any questions shoot me an email. I would like to be apart of this too so I think I will write her a letter. Is that cool? Well anyway, I love you all and you all sound way happy. This week for me was sweet! I was in Okayama, about 3 hours away from Yonago for 3 days for training. It was amazing. Pres. McIntyre is an awesome Mission Pres. and I learned a lot. A cool thing happened last night that Ill tell really quick. Me and Kimura were really trying and praying to find the elect yesterday. A lot of great thing have been happening lately but there isn't a lot of investigators right now. We are trying to find a lot of new people. As we were going home last night across a busty street was a man walking. We quickly crossed the busy street, Maybe a little dangerous, and contacted him. He name was Watanabe and way cool. He is in the navy and is coming to church next week. Miracles happen everyday. This week is going to be really busy. 2 of Sister Arito`s kids are getting baptized! Kento who is 16 and Iru who is 8. I am way excited! O and another miracle happened this week. Do you guys remember the Ise family in Niihama. Well guess what? The dad Ryuji got baptized yesterday! I couldn't go to it but I called Elder Kudo this morning and he said is was awesome. When I got off the phone I felt so thankful for a loving Father in Heaven. All I could do is get on my knees and thank God for his love and for Jesus Christ and his Atonement. When people make covenants with God for the first time it is beautiful. When people are baptized they are not perfect. The other day Sister Arito came up to me and had some questions. She is having a little trouble adjusting to the teachings of the church. She still believes in reincarnation which is actually pretty similiar to our beliefs. When people are baptized there are requirements. These requirements are in the scriptures and in PMG. Me, as a missionary, should always strive to teach simply so everyone can understand, but things like this happen. This isn't a big problem or anything but it can turn into a problem when members get enduring to the end mixed up with baptismal requirements. New converts have a lot of adjustments that we have never experienced and I am thankful for Sister Arito who is open enough to ask questions. I told her that I was sorry and we are meeting again to review the Plan of Salvation. Converts are awesome and have strong testimonies but they need help doctrinally a lot of times. This is a quote in the PMG, "Correct doctrine understood changes attitudes." I cant wait to see all these new converts progress in the gospel and eventually make sacred covenants in the Temple. I love you guys and all that you do for me. My mission is way fulfilling and I don't want it to end. I love these people a lot. I really cant explain how but I think it is because I building relationships through the spirit. I love you all and until next time.