A Call from Elder Budge

November 7, 2010~Why hello everyone! Thanks for all the pics and emails this week. That is pretty cool that Budge gave you guys a call. He has been one of my favorite companions. Where is his homecoming going to be? I forgot. That was when I was on transfer 2 about a year ago. Pretty crazy how time flies. Everyone seems way happy and enjoying life. That would be pretty cool if Lenzi and Jon moved by the high school. That is pretty sad that everyone is getting sick in the ward. I'll be praying for them. Could I write them a letter or something too? Maybe send me there addresses next week. I have been thinking about a lot of things lately and I am so thankful for the gospel. These new converts are starting in on a quest of sorts. The road to eternal life is straight and narrow and that is what makes it hard. It is really cool to see them make their first steps in the gospel. You asked for a couple of the investigators names so here they are. Kento, Iru, Yu, and Kageyama. These are the people preparing for baptism this month. Kento and Iru are Sister Arito`s kids. Yu chan is 10 years old and is one of Iru chan`s friends. Kageyama is 40 and met with the missionaries about 5 years ago when he was looking for a job. He found a job and it was on Sunday so he stopped meeting. He recently lost his job and met the missionaries randomly at a mall. He realized that God always puts the missionaries in his path when he needs it so he his meeting with the missionaries and coming to church. Yesterday a way sweet thing happened at church. After sacrament meeting a girl named Yuri came to the church. She is fluent in English and got baptized in San Francisco in another church when she was going to college there. She wants to find a church to go to in Yonago so she looked on the internet and found ours! It was a miracle and she seems pretty prepared. I have felt so blessed lately and my whole life to be apart of things from God. It is pretty special to witness. I am always speechless. Last week I went to Kobe to receive training and tonight I am going to Okayama until Thursday night to receive more. Pretty wild huh! While in Kobe I was trained a little bit on how to help the members. All of us missionaries received more information on the Rescue Plan. About a year ago Pres. Monson gave a talk about how to help and "rescue" our friends. This is how I have been trying to help my friends like Dana and Kody. Right now in my ward everyone is way fired up because there have been 3 baptisms in the last 2 months and they really want to share the gospel. The plan is as follows:
1. Name List: Write down everyone's name you know.
2. Rescue Ladder: Pray about your friends and choose three or more that you feel good about.
Write down there name and make a goal. The goal is something that you can do, not what they choose. For example your goal isn't for them to get baptized, it is for you to invite them to get baptized. Our purpose is to Invite other to come unto Christ.
To achieve the goal you start with a little goals leading up to the big goal. For example if I wanted to invite my friend to church I would first pray for them everyday. Then maybe serve them by baking them cookies or something. And so on. This is working really well with the members and they really are feeling the joy of the Gospel. I know that our friends are prepared to hear the word but we may never know unless we Invite. Ill send you copies of the lists today and if you want you can try it out with me. For example recently I have been praying and I felt that I should do something for Marrisa. I have never met her but I know that the gospel will bring her joy so I want to help. You guys are great and you really are good examples. The gospel really does bring joy. I cant really explain exactly how really well but I know that by following Christ`s teachings I have found the most joy in my life. For example right now I just feel good. I have a lot to work on and my flaws are endless but I am a child of God who has been blessed with the opportunity to hear the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I want everyone to have this same opportunity so I will boldly invite as many of God`s children as I can to come unto Christ. The gospel is simple and it is rooted in the love that Jesus has for us. He Atoned for us and I know this is true. I love you all and keep up the good work. You guys are awesome! Love ya
This is the Iwasa family. Grady was companions with their son in one of his areas.

October 31, 2010~~Konnichiwa! Thanks for the emails again. I enjoy them every week. Wow Miles is home and Kyle is leaving. Pretty sweet but I don't know where Kyle is going? Tell me next week. That is awesome that so many people that we know are going on missions. Pretty sweet. O and dad, thanks for telling me about your week. I need to be more observent and look out for those people. I guess I had a pretty cool experience the other day. Me and Kimura were housing and a lady answered the door with her 8 year old daughter with her. The lady wasn''t responding well to the message but when I looked the little girl in the eye I felt something. The spirit was way strong and I know that she will have an opportunity later in life to hear the gospel. In the Bible it talks about how parents will reject Christ in front of their children and then deny them the opportunity to hear. I see this almost everyday and it is heart wrenching but God has a plan for everyone. Arito san is doing way good. The more I get to know her the more I understand how God must feel when he sees one of his children get baptized. Dad, today when you talked about those people who if they would just accept the gospel would become happier, it made me think of Arito san. Yesterday at church when sister Arito was taking the sacrament I felt way happy for her. She really wants to go to the temple so I am really motivated to help her out. I have another quick story for you guys today about a man named Brother Yawata. He got baptized 2 years ago after being an investigator for about 7 years. He was homeless for 5 of those 7 years. When he got baptized he regretted not doing it 7 years earlier. He has had a tough life but he knows God lives now. When he first met the missionaries he prayed to know if the Book of Mormon was true. God answered him in a lot of different ways that he realized later but one way was simply through the spirit. He felt it but didn't act for 7 years. When he finally acted and received the Holy ghost he said it was amazing. Do we really realize how special the Holy ghost is? I know that I am still learning. I love you guys and the people in Japan are accepting a message close to our hearts. Thanks for helping me in my conversion process. You all were in a sense my missionaries if I think about it. I love you all and till next time.

O and I forgot. If you could send me some advil and a couple long sleeve shirts. I gave a couple away so I am low. Thanks