Home for 4 months and doing great!

I just realized that I haven't posted anything about Grady's homecoming, so I thought I had better do that. He arrived home on Friday, May 27th, the same evening as Olivia's High School Graduation! She had to be at CSI to line up and get ready for graduation at 5:45 and his plane was due in at 5:15, so she decided to skip the airport. This was such a difficult decision for her to come to, but looking back, it was the right decision.

Gus, Rudy, Nana and I were almost late to airport because his plane was 15 minutes early!!! As we were driving my friend Sheila, who was on her way to the airport also, called me to say that she was almost to the airport and she had just seen a plane land. Our airport is very small, so we were pretty sure that was his plane! We were behind her, so we were frantic that we were going to miss him getting off the plane! Gus drove faster than I've ever seen him drive. We ran in the doors and found Sheila and her family and our other friends, the Davis', anxiously awaiting our arrival! The plane was on the ground, but the passengers had not left the plane yet. Wow! We barely arrived on time. Lenzi was not so lucky! Oakley needed fed at the last minute, so she arrived about 10 minutes after Grady.

To say that that first hug was amazing is an understatement. He looked so good and it was so wonderful to see him after two long years. He was very thin but looked great! He hugged everyone, got a few pictures and then we were off to the college for Olivia's graduation! I know Grady must have been feeling so overwhelmed, but he was a good sport. He had to wear his suit and name tag because he wasn't released yet. He was able to see lots of old friends at graduation, so that was fun! I could tell he was tired--I think he'd been up for more than 24 hours and he didn't sleep on the plane. We kept bombarding him with questions and he was very patient.

It's hard to explain just what it was like to have a son gone for two years and then return, safe, older and more mature. We are extremely grateful for his safety while in Japan. We are also so grateful for all he learned. He loved his mission and for that, we are also so very thankful. He was an excellent missionary! Well done, Elder Bowman!

The Last Email!

May 22, 2011~~ Wow! This is Grady's last email before he comes home Friday, May 27th. It's been an amazing two years and we are more than excited to see him!! At the same time, we have loved all the wonderful things he has learned and the ways he has grown! What a blessing this has been for all of us!
Hey everyone! Thanks for the last email of my mission! It is kinda weird that this is the last one that I will do too. Before I forget I have some things I need to ask for. I am going to be throwing away all of my garments so if you could have some ready for me. I like the dri lux and I guess I am just not a mesh guy like Mark Dad. Sorry, LOL. O and the first chance I get I really want to go to the temple and of course Moab. I haven`t thought to much about what I am going to do for those couple of weeks. Anything is good. Well about this last week. Yesterday a couple of good people came to church but Kurata, the guy supposed to get baptized tomorrow didn`t come. We have lost contact with him. It is a bummer but I know he will get baptized. This last week I also went on a split with Dave Nielson. It was way fun and we are both way excited to come home but of course mixed feelings. It was nice to talk to someone who understood exactly what I was feeling. I kinda just want to tell of all the miracles happening in Japan right now. As of today the mission has seen a total of 102 baptisms this year so far! In Pres McIntyre`s first year as a mission president 3 years ago the mission had 40 in a whole year. If you just look at the numbers as numbers it means absolutely nothing but these numbers are people. The whole missions attitude has changed. I feel that Japan is on the verge of something amazing! The members and missionaries are catching the fire and showing a lot of faith. God is blessing the land of Japan by many ways. Since the tsunami I have felt a big change in Japan. I feel it has affected the whole country and many people are prepared for the gospel. The missionaries and members are showing more faith by inviting others to come unto Christ. I want to talk to you guys more about this but I am so happy to have been here during this time. I love these people and the experiences I have had. I am really excited to see you all and talk a lot with you. I love you all and I will see you soon!
P.S. Mom, I haven`t had lasagna or that good italian bread with that vinegar dip stuff for a while. It might be good?

Busy, Busy!

May 1, 2011
Konnichiwa! Thanks for the emails this week! I really enjoyed them. Today I had to do a lot of Zone leader things on the computer so I really don`t have much time. Sorry. We`ll have to talk more on Your guys` Sunday. If you called me at 7P.M. your time on my cell phone that would be dandy. My number is 080-2149-6220. I am excited to talk to you guys again. It is kinda wierd because I will be in America a couple of weeks after the call but it will be nice. This week was awesome because Sugita got baptized! The baptism was great and he is an awesome convert. I am excited to see him excell in the gospel. He is 25 and is thinking about going on a mission. He really was prepared to accept the gospel. This week was short but I am doing great and I am actually going to Tony Roma`s for the first time today with the zone. Nielson will be there. I love you guys and I'll talk to you this next week!

An Urgency in the Work!

April 24, 2011
Hello! You guys sound great! Oakley is way cute and I am way excited to see her. Dad, your new business sounds pretty cool, and that Land cruiser should be good. Nice find. Well you guys are probably just dying to know what happened to me. Well I transferred. I am in my last area and it feels weird. My area`s name is Katsura in Kyoto. Probably the most famous place in Japan. Kyoto is famous for ancient temples and things and it is a big tourist place. Tons of people everywhere and way fun. I am a zone leader over 21 missionaries and it is a pretty big job. One of the District leaders is Elder Nielson which is way fun. It is pretty cool that we get to spend the last 6 months together on our missions. O and before I left Kobe Ryu Koto got baptized! He was baptized on Wednesday and he got the Holy Ghost yesterday. It was a miracle. Lisa went to church yesterday and she still looks good for baptism. She is awesome. My new companion`s name is Elder Bunderson. He is half Japanese and from Utah. We are having a lot of fun together and this coming Thursday a guy named Sugita is getting baptized. He is awesome! He is 25 and works at a bread shop. He makes bread and pastries. I have only met him once but he was a great guy. I am excited for his baptism. The ward I am in is about 50 people. The bishop is awesome and the ward seems really excited for missionary work and the upcoming baptism. These next weeks are going to fly and I am really working hard on focusing. I feel that I have been prepared to focus here by being in the mission home for so long. There were tons of distractions there and I learned how to cope with it. Now I need to cope with thoughts about home and other things but I am doing fine. The mission is great and I think I am still in shock of how many miracles I have seen recently. I know that lots of people are waiting to be baptized here in Kyoto. My time is ticking down which scares me but there is an extra urgency about the work. I love you all and until next time. O and Rudy, Happy Birthday! Your birthday present will be a month late when I get home. Lol

April 17, 2011~~
Hello! How is everyone? You are right mom, time is flying. I can't believe I am on my last transfer. Oakley sounds great! I can't wait to meet her. You guys are awesome! Mom thanks for filling me in on my BYU classes and stuff. It is a relief that I don't have to do it while I am here. I thought of one thing though. I want to work this summer and it might be a good idea to look for a job for me. I would of course like a job where I could use my Japanese but The Import Auto was a way fun job that payed well. I know it might be hard but if you could maybe look around for me. Oh, and Elder Nielson isn't finishing his mission in New Zealand. He is finishing it here and then going to New Zealand to visit his parents. Rumors in the church are funny. Me and Elder Nielson had a good laugh over it. We have become way good friends these last couple of months. This week was awesome! 3 people got baptized here in Kobe! I'll send you the pictures. One was O. He was way exctited and he loved it. After he got baptized he bore his testimony and he said that he was excited to become more faithful together with everyone. He is probably one of the funniest people I have ever met. He is always smiling and way happy. Another miracle was that on Saturday me and Einfeldt found 4 new investigators. Two of them came to church. One's name is Lisa. She is 3/4 Japanese and 1/4 British. She graduated from the University of Massachusetts. She is way cool and she came to church. She saw 4 people get baptized which was sweet! A little 8 year old boy was also baptized in the English branch. She is way prepared to hear the word of God. She is getting baptized on May 8th. I am way excited. I hope I don't transfer. I witnessed another miracle yesterday. Ryu Koto, the other Chines investigator, is getting baptized this Wednesday! He was supposed to get baptized yesterday but he had a problem with tithing. Yesterday he came to the baptism and he felt the spirit and a member testified to him about tithing. He accepted to live the gospel and his interview is tonight and his baptism is on Wednesday before I transfer. Yes I am probably transfering. I feel way blessed to be in the mission office. I find things out early sometimes. I know that Christ lives and miracles are wrought through him. I love you guys and until next week.

"Wow! That was Fast!"

Somanta Chan's Baptism!
April 10. 2011~Hello!
You guys are great! Oakley is way cute and I loved your emails this week. Dad, that was a wonderful story about the road trip. I enjoyed it. Somanta Chan got baptized yesterday and it was awesome! Somanta is his first name and Chan is his last. He has so much faith. After he was baptized he said, "Wow, that was fast, I thought I would be under for 30 seconds." Somehow a misunderstanding had occurred and he thought we said 30 instead of 3 seconds. After he was baptized he gave a sweet testimony. He said that he was thankful that God loved him enough to give him the opportunity to repent. What he said was very powerful and it made me think a lot. I am blessed to have the opportunity to repent. There are thousands of people who want to be clean but don't know where to find it. I am so thankful for Somanta's example. If you sent me the letter I could get it to him. Next week there are 4 people getting baptized into the Kobe Japanese ward. One is our investigator and his name is O. He is chinese and really ready for the gospel. I am so thankful for all the blessings that I am experiencing. General conference was awesome. In the priesthood session when Pres. Monson talked about marriage and the temple I thought it was awesome. Just in Kobe ward there are about 10 active young single adults who need to get married. In Japan everyone seems to wait to get married instead of following the counsel of the prophet and it doesn't work out a lot of times. I know that I am experiencing a lot of things for a reason and they will help me later in life. I love you all and I know that the Church is true. I feel like my emails are getting shorter but I am still just as happy and loving the work. My light isn't dwindling and I love Christ. Until next week!

"I Can drink Water Instead!"

Oakley Bea Van Wagoner, born March 31, 2011--She can't wait to see her Uncle Grady!!

April 3, 2011 Hello! How is everyone! The baby looks great! Thanks for sending all the pictures. Oakley looks way cute. I can't wait to see her. Before I forget, I got the debit card and the packages. Thanks a lot! The candy was great. For the last month or two my District has been doing a biggest loser challenge. I lost like 5 pounds but then gained it back. We go running or play sports every morning and I can see the difference in everyone's attitude. We are all pretty good friends and like being around each other. Two days ago I went on an exchange with Elder Guy from Cambridge, England. It was way fun and he is a great missionary. His accent gave our companionship like 10 extra cool points! This week has gone by fast! Somanta is getting baptized this coming sunday on April 10th! He is awesome! In the last two days he accepted to obey the Word of Wisdom and tithing. He has a ton of Faith! Yesterday he came to church and we taught the Word of Wisdom. When he heard about coffee and green tea he was a little surprised but this is what he said,"I can drink water instead." He has so much faith and I am way excited for his baptism. This was the highlight of my week. Me and Elder Einfeldt get along really well and I am excited to experience seeing a baptism with such a good companion. Somanta is great and I know that every nationality across the world is prepared for the gospel. You guys are awesome and I love you. O and before I forget. Where is Olivia staying at BYU-I. My friend in the mission, Sister Shields and her little brother are both going to BYU-I and we were talking and we thought it might be a good idea for us to room with each other's siblings. Kinda funny but she gave her dad your email address so he should be contacting you. If he doesn't maybe you should contact them. I think that is all I had. I love you guys and until next week.